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Private Limited Company Registration

Private Limited Company registration is the most preferred business model as the owner's liability is limited to their shares. A Private Limited Company is one of the most popular business entities in India where no minimum share capital is required. It has all the benefits of a Partnership firm and can additionally comprise of 2 - 200 shareholders and 2 - 15 directors. We at Startup Choice continually strive to make your business grow and are available at every step to help you register a Private Limited Company.

Procedure for Private Limited Company Registration (10 - 20 Days)

We apply for the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN).


Around 1 - 6 names can be submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). This approximately takes about 4 ? 5 days.

Name Approval

After obtaining approval from the authorities, a tax number along with a certificate will be issued.

Certificate Of Registration

Step involves creating a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Account Number (TAN) for your company.


Registration process completed


  • Address proof (Passport) / Driver’s License / Voter's ID)
  • Director's signature on a blank document
  • Passport Size Photograph
  • Bank Statement / Telephone or Electricity Bill
  • Identity proof (PAN card), and in case of a foreign national (passport
  • Conveyance Deed/Lease Deed/Rent Agreement/Sale Deed
  • Notarized rent agreement
  • Certificate of No-Objection from Landlord
  • 2 Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • 2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  • Assistance in choosing an appropriate company name
  • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
  • Requesting for Tan and PAN

Advantages of Setting Up a Private Limited Company Registration :

  • Limited Liability Of Shareholders And Directors
  • Legal Entity Separate From That Of Its Members
  • Shareholding Can Be Easily Transferred
  • More Weightage Given By Financial Institutions For Funding Purpose

After electronic submission of forms to Ministry of Corporate Affairs, it has become mandatory to attest the electronic forms or documents by digitally certifying it with an individual's signature through DSC. DSC is an electronic format of a physical signature and can be presented electronically to prove your identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign documents digitally

Director Identification Number is a unique identification number that has to be obtained by the director in the proposed or existing company. DIN is valid for a lifetime.

The authorised capital of a Company is the amount up to which a company can issue shares. The government fee for companies having a share capital depends on the amount of authorised capital.

The company name must not be similar to any other existing Private Limited company, OPC, LLP or Public Company. Also, do check if the name is not a registered trademark taken by anybody under IP Act. Moreover, to be accepted by ROC, the name should not be too generic.

A company is promoted to carry out particular activities. These activities are otherwise called as 'objects of the company'. The main objects of the company for which the company is registered should be detailed in the Memorandum of Association of the Company.

A Pvt Ltd company registration can be done in 11-15 days. However, time taken for registration will depend on submission of relevant documents by the client and speed of Government Approvals. It is always better to choose a unique name for the company.

Two members/subscribers are required for a private limited company registration (Maximum number of Members can be 200).

Two Directors are necessary for a Pvt Ltd company registration (Maximum number of directors can be 15 which can further be increased by way of passing special resolution).

Yes, Directors and Members of the company can be the same person in case of private limited company registration.

There is no minimum capital requirement, and the registration of a Private limited company can be done with any amount of capital. However, a fee must be paid to the Government for issuing a minimum of shares worth Rs.1 lakh (Authorized Capital Fee) during the registration of the Company.

Yes, an NRI or Foreign National can become a director in case of private limited company registration, after obtaining Director Identification Number. However, there must be at least one person as director in the company who is resident in India.

Yes, an NRI or Foreign National can hold shares in case of private limited company registration, subject to FDI guidelines.

Private limited company registration is a better option for raising funds for expansion of business without the involvement of public.

Resident in India means a person who has stayed in India for not less than 182 days during the immediately preceding One Calendar year.

A private limited company must hold a Board Meeting in every three months mandatorily and an AGM at least once in every year.

An address in India where the registered office of the Company will be situated is required. The premises can be any including residential units.

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